Nana Jukwa Someah-Kwaw is an embodiment of excellence, determination, and passion.

From a young age, the Ghanaian embraced the high expectations placed upon her as the firstborn and transformed them into indispensable motivations to strive for greatness.

Her belief in pursuing one’s passions as a source of fulfillment and success has guided her remarkable journey as a model and an engineer.

As she ventured into the predominantly male-dominated field of engineering, Nana Jukwa shattered barriers and dispelled any notion that women lacked the skills needed to excel in this profession.

Driven by her love for questioning, exploring, and creating, she pursued her dream of becoming a Mineral Engineer.

Her passion for Mineral Engineering has extended beyond the confines of academic curricula, leading her to undertake groundbreaking research projects, one of which investigated critical challenges faced by Cirrus Oil Services Limited in Ghana.

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